Sunday, December 30, 2007

Heart Card Charlemagne


Starting next year or the next week or the show Intrusion extend their hours and will air from 16 to 19 Monday through Friday.
continue driving and escort Jorge Rial, Luis Ventura, Marcelo Polino, Marcela Tauro, Daniel Gómez Rinaldi, Luis Piña, Lola Lamb and Cora Debarbieri.

addition, during the summer, will moving from Mar del Plata, Villa Carlos Paz and Punta del Este.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Male Dog's Genitalia Gallery

New! 2008 ... Welcome! ... Intruder

Alexis Puig, current film columnist of "America 24" and "América Noticias", joins the ranks of Jorge Rial. The journalist has just joined the working staff of "Intruders in the show" and occupy the role of chronicler. With their inclusion, family entertainment cycle is enlarged as Alexis, a communicator first and with all the letters, is the husband of Lola Lamb, the new program panelist, who will add to shipping in February.
by masked! ...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Sayings To Do With Wishing Wells


Worldwide there are lots and lots! envy that's about time someone put points! ... some things ...

No one can deny the success of intrusion, the years on the air among other things ...

Some people want to cover a failure, and attempt to defame the intruder panel! ...

denials wish to change from place to Cora, who is now covering the phones! TEMPORALMETE ...

Login to the panel from Lola Lamb next year, but that does not mean that there is low! that if! ...
Cora And it tastes great! ... not at all angry! ...


Corita continues! ...
And again! ...
Corita continues!!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Pokemon Heart Gold Settings For Desmume

Welcome! Family! ...

Lola Lamb is the new addition of "Intruder in the show" for the panel.

journalist close finishes his contract with America 2 and started its activity in the successful cycle of the show from Monday 4 February.

Welcome! and Mucha "Fuck !"...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Women Wearing Grdle And Stockings

Without Gag - By Luis Ventura / / / Death in silence Channel 9 .

There is no worse death than resignation. The moment you give up and choose not to fight anymore is the consummation of the defeat, the arrival of the sad fate of the blue. Vegetative death without resistance, neutral, hybrid, without parents or heirs, dry, unflinching, devastating, devastating. That is happening to Channel 9 today. And nobody says it, crazy! Dies laburo source, a communication window, a place, an issuer. And we all know and prefer silence once again. A history and no one detected the agony. Not even that. A large chunk of the media is being buried alive and without any hope. With open eyes and hot body.

no longer talk about this gem of channel was 9 Romay. Refugio endless cycle of big players immortals of fiction as "High comedy," The man who returned from the dead "," Scarface "or novels collection as" Maria "," Malevo "," The strange lady "or ultrasonic measurements as were the" Thousand and one of Sapag "surpassing the 40 points of rating, and not to mention the cycles of Black and Gordo Porcel Olmedo. So many titles and many glories!

Jé! Now what is proposed in this screen such a Angel González is a soap opera called, called, or do not know if it is. "Uga Uga". Does anyone see it? Do You Know if it is in the air, what days you are going or at what time? Let's talk seriously, can anyone care that a fictional named "Uga Uga"? Well, that's Channel 9 today.

Review your schedule and you will notice that the patient is in a vegetative state. Live without vital signs. Everything is cooked to close the accounts. Cold, calculated and measured as when you take the numbers in order to love the coffin. Pure mathematics, without heart or pulse: come therefore, no longer comes to that and we put cans on the screen to die and Who cares if you fire a worker at the TV, two, ten, or hundred. Cast to fool people and did not see nor hear in the media. Just gossip, a small note to loss and silence. A silent death, without struggle or rebellion. Only resignation. Thinking

Tsar majestic rounded a real estate business by selling Gelly Passage studies and drew a new channel in the ruins of times the process was a detention and torture. There he invented a canal! In the desert itself. Then sold and named Blue, but was 9. Passed around Avila, Monetta, until the clean and jerk Hadad's media. In favor or against businesses that fought from its place and its people. From within.

think that the "Turkish" Hadad, when the 9 came to be a channel at some point came to win the prime time to phone that was not lost for centuries. He took the guard channel measurements at 13, he dipped his ear to the monster Clarín and had the luxury of hiring Marcelo Tinelli already have fantasize Mirtha Legrand Susana Gimenez and joints.

Please! Being emptied of contents screen. Like it or not, but alive. Employees are working, they charged salaries and relatives who ate and were educated, who met schedules, to imagine creative, art departments that worked, did news reporters, managers who programmed. Today the silence is not health, is a sign of a cemetery.

Why? Very easy. Because no one asks who is "Phantom." Vigiladotes Where are the media to dig a little in what was the sale and issuance of the channel to a guy like this Angel Gonzalez who was not known face. Anyone know where you got the dough to put it all in one station, a foreigner, with a background that would be good that one would deign to publish and that many of us in the middle, and we prefer to look the other way.

It hurts, man, that Channel 9 is competence but my Latin is warm as it is, cause me grief. With people in the street as drip, no noise, gradually and conducting a sunset just finished putting on the screen foreign cans and leaving many laburantes outside the wheel, with a channel running but lifeless.

Go to countries where this "Phantom" that does not want to take pictures of his face, one who knows why, and find out how its grids, your business and your tab. Pictures that could be compared with others that do not bring such good memories. Channel alive with pulsations and vibrations, we this program very poor, pitiful and sad to because he is dead. The worst thing is the silence and resignation that I returned the faces, the faces and people working in the plant.

enough to look the other way! Let's start at least say with all the letters. As happened in Uruguay, when the guy who sends orders to Mexico and Miami to implement them far from their employees and the people, someone tells Argentina that the law should not allow him to have this channel in Argentina . For more paperwork and nominees who want to bring. It is well! In Uruguay he stopped the purchase of 7 stations in 3 million dollars, which wanted to acquire with the same mechanism that achieved this Channel 9, because they managed to verify or clarify the operation.

Where are the drivers efforts, background and other herbs to rescue a channel as was 9? Birthplace of stars, hits, striking workers, journalists sublime. But there is this new channel of Angel Gonzalez, with many people in the street, few laburantes in office and "Uga Uga" as an alternative product. If you let it die, at least not be silent. The media, public opinion and those of us in the guild unless we shed a tear or a cry peguemos. Who has not resigned, just a gesture of rebellion.

Htr-6030 Optical No Sound

Juan Jose Origel better known as THE Pepilla! ... as a producer

The driver Juan Jose Origel or Dracula ... reassert itself as a producer with "Machomenos" issue to be released in 2008.
"The program has already delivered it and I think it starts next year will be several guys who try to teach another how to behave, how to treat the girlfriend or wife, among other things," he said.
"Machomenos" ... The most surprising the news is the name of the program will produce the Pepillo .. "Machomenos" ... any views ..? ...

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Used Go Karts Calgary


'll leave you some videos for you to meet the Mexican driver ...





a great truth $ $ $
Uploaded by bartolo2

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Soft Reset For Shiny Eevee


And that way you're part of us! ...

We invite you! and look! ...

Actresses With Green Eyes And Black Hair

Intrusion ... History ... (images)

The image belongs to a video that can be seen on YouTube. The story is this: When you phone the draw, the person who called in to win the prize of 0-600, instead of saying "hello intruders" said "hello rumors" (Intrusion direct competition in 2001 and 2002) . Given this situation Rial started laughing and joking with his panelists. However Canosa, muscle-flexing as little and wanting to highlight more than their peers, went to George to do the "little train" which patented Carlos Monti and Susan Rocasalvo. Clearly shown in the image as Vivi supports their buttocks Rial member.

intruder celebration! ...

Vivi thanks for being part of history intrusion!

gave us the best years of your life! ...

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Bang Brothers Free Movies

Hit in Mexico! UGLY AND PROUD ... TASTY! Aik

How nice jump! pickle! ....

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

How To Streach Inner Labia

With Jorge until the last! CQTest

Oreja Pepiiiiiiiiillo and attacked a friend who has joined us late because the banks will Rial! ...

're not "lady" or a "king" you're like us and we will bank 100%!

Monday, December 3, 2007

How Do I Get Rid Of Water Retention In My Face

Luis Ventura - CQC


How Long Will Temazepam Take To Take Effect?

BACKSTAGE Intruder 2007

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Wedding Response Card Wordingdietary


For addicted to Jorge and his panel! ....

We're fans, the No. 1 program of entertainment.

ponete and contact us! ...