Thursday, December 9, 2010

How To Break Into A Lock Safe

Patti is back! Family of Oscar Bouvier

The news of the Oscar identification was very strong for us, is a mixture of joy, sadness, anxiety, and other feelings that cause a situation like this, but everything felt like a victory of those who fought against impunity, silence, lies, ignorance, indifference, prejudice, individualism and the complicity of so many who aid, abet and justified many heinous crimes.
is a new phase in which we must reconstruct what happened, to piece together this story, pass new searches for truth and justice. Oscar has made his mark by which we walk. Not give up on the ideals of freedom, equality, solidarity, sovereignty and social justice and that he had survived in us.
long coexisted with the theory of the two demons that were exercised heavily by the media, employees of the corporate media, economic and political benefit from the dictatorship that sought the destruction of Argentina, and then with the installation of neoliberalism is to deepen the country dependent model, which did much damage to the country. These political, economic and media underpinned the impunity of the executive arm of the dictatorship, also ensuring their own impunity, breaded by the dome of the church blessed the murderers and also for Justice that was functional, by act or omission, State terrorism.
Since 2003, Kirchner's presidency, and a substantial change in HR policy, so put off by previous governments, we trials failed to reach today are held throughout the country who can restore dignity and build a coherent narrative of what happened during the dictatorship. It is also necessary that the murderers are imprisoned during the course of the trial and serve their sentences in ordinary prisons and underprivileged.
The presence of many judges who served during the dictatorship and are entrenched in their desks providing injustice, makes judgments dilate, favoring the defendants and their defenses, putting permanent barriers, giving privileges to the arrest and criminal proceedings these genocidal victims did not give any opportunity to defend. The most incredible
is that these murderers, after all these years, still keeping the covenants of silence on the whereabouts of many missing and appropriate children, proud of their ideology and their heinous crimes, they have not a shred of dignity to take charge of what they did , so demand for these animals to tell us once and for all, where are the colleagues.
is inescapable remember the pain of people who struggled to find Oscar, especially his father, my grandfather, Alfred Bouvier, who was active in human rights organizations looking for her son with all his might, renouncing the UCR in December 1986 - party to which he was affiliated for 55 years, having held the secretariat ad-hoc party, and never a paid position, due to the project of Due Obedience and Full Stop and like my grandmother María Inés Delgado Aurelia could not live for the rematch.
We also want to especially thank the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team, for their great work in finding and identification of many colleagues who regain their identity after many years. The recovery of his remains, so that finally we can fire them and enhance the profile of the popular fighter who true to his convictions, offered their lives for the cause of liberation of the people. Thank you from the feeling and commitment to the Mothers of the Plaza, my colleagues CHILDREN with whom we share years of struggle, and in general all those who adhere to this cause.
The meeting with the identity of Oscar Alfredo Bouvier on November 5, 2010, when they meet 55 years after 34 years as NN undeservedly remain buried in the Cementerio Municipal de Santa Fe is a great value. The words of the dictator Videla about the lack of organization of the "disappeared" is not dead nor alive, is gone, "crumble with the emergence of each of the remains of our loved ones are found and with them their identity. Oscar and I appeared to be a key historical moment to appear, we have deleting the words of the dictator's genocidal murderer's Oscar Has Become!

* We thank the space generously provided us

UNR Text read by Peter Bouvier Thursday at a press conference held by the identification of his father murdered by the dictatorship of Alfredo Oscar Bouvier, disappeared for 34 years.


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