III No. Days of Study and Reflection on
Student Movement Argentine and Latin American
La Plata (Argentina), 16, 17 and September 18, 2010
Faculty of Humanities and Education , University Nacional de La Plata (UNLP)
From the University Reform of 1918-originated in Córdoba (Argentina) - the student movement has influenced so gravitating in the political, social and cultural Argentina and Latin America. The early organization of groups, Centres and Associations, participation and creation of mass acts as the "Slaughter of Tlatelolco in Mexico during 1968, the" Cordobazo Argentina, 1969 or the struggle of the "penguins" Chileans in 2006 and participation in political processes central to the history of the continent as the foundation of APRA in Peru the overthrow of Peron in 1955, and the training of insurgent forces from 1960 to present, show that their public presence and variability require social science and historical research as part of the accretion of knowledge about Latin American societies.
The workshops are intended to continue the task of systematic study in 2006 begin occasion of the "First Conference for Study and Reflection on Student Movement Argentino" who were based in the Faculty of Social Sciences University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and went ahead with the " II ° Days Study and Reflection on the Argentine and Latin American Student Movement " that were developed in Delhi under the auspices of the Department of Humanities at the Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS). The participation of many students and professors from local universities (University of Buenos Aires, the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Universidad Nacional de Luján, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, National University of Cuyo, National University Tucumán, National University of General Sarmiento Colegio Carlos Pellegrini, UBA) turned to them in the first systematic treatment history on the issue in Argentina. We hope to continue to do these days bringing this work to address social actor in different situations and historical moments, and encourage the widest debate and integrate these studies to a Latin American perspective.
Thematic Tables
Table 1: The student movement between the history of the Reformation of 1918 and the Liberating Revolution (1880 - 1955)
Table 2: The student movement Reform Revolution (1955/1976)
Table 3: The Argentine student movement today
Table 4: Destruction and Reconstruction the student movement. The "Process" to present
Table 5: The Latin American student movement
Table 6: Youth, college life and sociability student: theories, approaches and experiences.
First day (Thursday)
18 hours. Accreditation
19 hours. Overview of the Conference.
Opening Panel: Youth and University Students in Argentina today.
Second day (Friday)
"Tomorrowand late (9 to 18 hs.) thematic tables Papers
-18.00 hs.: Presentation of publications
-19.00 hs.: Panel
"The Argentine and Latin American student movement between 1950 and 1980"
third day (Saturday)
9 to 11 hours: lectures
11.30: Close with a panel: The student movement and democratization university today (Members and former members university student groups, centers and associations).
Activities prior
a) Submission of abstracts: a isme.argentina @ gmail.com
b) Submission of full papers: a isme.argentina @ gmail.com
c) accept suggestions and adherence to the conference
Information: www.ism-
Paul Bonavena - Mariano Millan - Juan Sebastian Califa
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