3rd. Circular of the Conference for Study and Reflection on the Argentine and Latin American Student Movement
Is requested and appreciated its dissemination
III º Days of Study and Reflection on
Student Movement Argentine and Latin American
La Plata (Argentina), 16, 17 and September 18, 2010
Faculty of Humanities and Education, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP)
Colectivo de Estudios e Investigaciones Sociales (CEIS)
Researchers About Student Movement (ISME)
Sponsorships accessions
Research Project "Action and social control devices on stage Santa Fe"-CESIL / FHUC-Universidad Nacional del Litoral Working
Making History Student Association
New Option (Undead Luján)
Department of Sociology at the General Coordination UNLP
Paul Bonavena
Academic Committee
Adriana Rodríguez (UNS)
Fernando Gabriel Romero (UNS)
Sandra Carli UBA)
Julian Rebón (Instituto Gino Germani UBA)
Paul Buchbinder (UNGS-CONICET-UBA)
Christian Castillo (UBA-UNLP)
Adriana Pons (UNR)
Gustavo Guevara (UNR)
Ana Barletta (UNLP)
Hugo Biagini (CECI)
Javier Varela (UADER)
Organizing Committee
Agustín Navarro (UNLP) Juan
Califa (UBA-CONICET UNGS) Mauricio
Chama (UNLP-UNMPM) Alejandro Fernandez
Plastino (UNLP) Magdalena
Lanteri (UNLP-Provincial Archives of Memory, based in La Plata)
Mariano Millan (UBA-CONICET UNGS)
Pablo Roma (UNLP)
Mariana Mendonca (UBA)
Thematic Tables Table 1: The student movement between the history of the Reformation of 1918 and the Liberating Revolution (1880 - 1955) Coordinators: Juan Sebastian Caliph and Alice Tome ( UNR)
Table 2: The student movement of the Reformation to the Revolution (1955/1976) Coordinators: Magdalena Lanteri and Horacio Robles
Table 3: The student movement Argentina today. Coordinators: Fernando Romero (UNS) Jorge Hernán Hereñú (UNLu) and Paula Talamonti (UNLP)
Table 4: Destruction and Reconstruction of the student movement. The "Process" to the present. Coordinators: Paul Roma (UNLP) and Agustín Navarro (UNLP)
Table 5: The student movement in Latin America. Coordinators: Paul Becher (UNS) and Daniela Paula Fernandez (UNS).
Table 6: Youth, college life and sociability student: theories, approaches and experiences. Chairs: Alejandro Fernandez Plastino and Mariana Chaves.
Table 7: Theory, methods, techniques and sources in the student movement and research students. Coordinators: Maximiliano Roman and Patricia Orbe.
(in this table are received presentations from up to 5 pages)
First day (Thursday)
17 hours: 17.45 hours
Accreditation: Overview of the Conference
18 to 21 hours: 18
Open Panels Hours: reformist student movement in Latin America: Hugo Biagini and panelists to be confirmed.
19 hours: The youths, students and student movements in the social sciences.
Speakers: Ana Maria Barletta, Mariana Chaves and Sandra Carli. Moderator: Alejandro Fernandez Plastino. Second day
(Friday) morning and afternoon
(9 to 18 hours): tables thematic papers.
13 to 14 hours, book presentations (proposals are received!)
"Children of Cordobazo Juan Ignacio González. Editorial Spartacus Córdoba.
18.30 hs.: Presentation of the digital document collection "La Universidad Nacional del Sur 1957-1976)" of the Documentation Centre and Archives of the Provincial Commission for Memory, by Laura Lenci.
19.30 hs.: Panel: "The student movement in Argentina in the '60s and '70s."
Speakers: Adriana Rodriguez (UNS), Nelida Diburzi (UNL), Daniel Badan (Presenting his book "pencils. The days and nights") and Edgardo Fernández Stacco (presenting his book "Abandonment of contemplation. Notes on the history of the UNS). Moderator: Mauricio Chama.
third day (Saturday)
9 to 10.30 am: Lectures
11 am: Panel: The student organization and projections and political union: bodies of delegates, student centers and federations. News and perspective.
Exhibitors: leaders of professional bodies and student representatives in university government.
12 pm: Panel: The student movement and democratization university today.
Speakers: Christian Castillo (UBA-UNLP), Mauro Cristeche (UNLP) and members of student organizations.
Moderator: Paul Bonavena
Previous Activities Pre-Conference
Gino Germani Research Institute June 11, 1917 hs.
CBC, UBA, home Martinez June 18, 9 am. Classroom 11.
Tucumán: End of June
Luján: August Month
a) Sending abstracts: a isme.argentina @ gmail.com by July 16, 2010 (200 words). Indicate table topic, institutional affiliation of author / s and email.
b) Submission of full papers and communications: a isme.argentina @ gmail.com before August 15, 2010.
were given two types of papers: Papers
up to 20 A4 pages in Times New Roman 12, 1.5.
Communications: up to 5 pages A4 with the same information as the papers.
Works arriving on schedule are guaranteed publication in CD upon acceptance of the authors.
c) accept suggestions and accessions to the days
Information: www.ism-argentina.blogspot.com
The book published work of the first conference is available at: "The student movement in Argentina. Stories present. " Paul Bonavena, Mariano Juan Sebastian Millan Caliph and compilers:
The attachment is "Libromovestud.zip"
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