Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Used Rifle Scopes Edmonton

As it is fresh from the oven! I just finished a while ago of naaaaaaaaa !!!!! I bought it on Saturday at the mall in C & A is a basic shirt in lilac, there are many other colors and only costs 5 €, for that price and a little imagination we can get a shirt like this exclusive right now I show .......

do you think?? Tilda is a reason those found on the Internet .... is a drawing in black and white and I've adapted to make the shirt because I liked a lot .... what more I struggled, as always, choose fabrics ..... uff! but ... I think it has not been bad at all, I like the result of the combination of fabrics, I have a large box where I'm keeping the bits that I have plenty of other work and for these things come in handy ;.
here and see finished, all the letters and heart go with DMC floss lilac color darker than the shirt to highlight, I've only used one strand. For the embroidery I used a perl cord in brown because I wanted to stay with the profile, and the French knot points also with a red pearl. On top of those buttons with a dark purple ribbons on what you think? I love it !!!!!! ah! this is for me!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Creative Creations Sneakers

Paper read by children in activities for their 16 anniversary

full generation were born as genocide, when our old fighting a murderous dictatorship and anti-anti-people, resisted the soldiers were imprisoned, were leaving the country or hiding within our own country, in hiding, there where the grip of state terrorism could not reach. Born when all our people suffered the economic model of Martinez de Hoz, when imports began to destroy the domestic industry, labor and union organization.
were born in terror and surrender to the historical owners of the country (the oligarchy and multinational capital), tried perpetuate their power forever, sweeping trade unions, social activism, political engagement of the youth and draft a homeland for all generations dreamed of sixties and seventies.
were born in clandestine detention centers where they killed and tortured our mothers, in the houses they entered the fear sown by the genocide, in neighborhoods that were becoming poorer as they consolidated the neoliberal economic project initiated by dictators. In a nation designed to serve the interests of a few families and handed over to imperialism. We grew up in a society
tucked inward, in which individualism and every man for himself had been imposed on the solidarity and commitment to collective projects. But also grew up in a country that no longer resist not even the worst "even during times of dictatorship.
grew up with the example of the Madres de Plaza de Mayo, our grandmothers, who gets so many things we were taught that the only struggle you lose is the one abandoned. And we join this struggle, a time when it was decreed that In Justice for the crimes committed by the genocidal should establish for ever, through the Pardons Menem, who came to complete the system of impunity started with the laws of Due Obedience and Punto Final Alfonsin. At a time when the neoliberal model (which was re-elected in the polls), seemed to celebrate a supposed social amnesia, through which they hoped to forget the past and forgive the murderers.

In Easter 1995, a significant number of missing children of political prisoners and exiles from the dictatorship was a meeting in Cordoba hills in the small Cabalango, where they spend the summer in his youth knew Ernesto Che Guevara. Kids aged 17 to define twenties to join the struggle of mothers and grandmothers, to continue to demand the trial and punishment of genocide, to continue seeking appropriate brothers, to demand the dismantling of the repressive apparatus intact that was killing or Teresa Rodríguez Víctor Choque.
But we also wanted militant build our own identity, our generation needs. And we set out to create new tools to fight, fight apolitical advertised from power plants, re-knit social ties destroyed by the terrorism of state, to recover (to paraphrase Rodolfo Walsh), those old battle flags that the thirty thousand missing persons had collected, at the exact point where other fighters who preceded them, they left it.
Unable to legal condemnation of genocide, we plot the objective of creating a symbolic prison repressors. Encourage escraches through the growth of society's condemnation of the dictatorship, we understood that one side was a path that also would enable us, as that struggle to grow in legitimacy, dismantle the system of impunity established. And on the other side was a way to resume the dialogue with our past, with projects invisibililizados of the missing and the memory of a long tradition of struggle of our people who could go back to the days of conquest.
But we also put on those early years of our organization, much of our energy to meet the hardest hit by the genocidal project. Because after the first time SONS Rosario assumed the conviction that "we are all children of the same story", and therefore our space was always intended as a field of generational membership, open to all those who would reverse the process established by the dictatorship.
From this conviction and we decided to form along with fellow activists in the neighborhoods hardest hit by neoliberalism. So we can say we learned to fight and organize are areas such as vagrancy, Ludueña neighborhood, which brought us our beloved friend Pocho Lepratti; or by co-The Rigoberta, the neighborhood's Fourth, just to mention two important referrals our way.
entered in the nineties, also learned to come together in the street, or cross-cutting areas, with a wide and diverse range of organizations, from the most varied political and ideological identities, with which we found clear face this stage of resistance to neoliberalism , trying to accomplish the task of genocide, deepening dependence through the perverse mechanism of interference in domestic affairs, that involved the convertibility and the continued borrowing from the IMF and World Bank. That teaching
building in diversity is what allows us even today, despite the deep differences that cross the field of membership, continue to organize every 24 March, a unit of the few marches taking place in the country to commemorate the genocide.
That same diversity is found once again taken to the streets in December 2001 to say enough of the politics of neoliberalism. But since 2003
here began a new process, which is clearly a fundamental origin if born of those tragic days.
But we understand we live in a new process, not only resistance but also of progress, does not mean you have been defeated to the neoliberal project planned by the genocide and continued in a democracy. Only we had to rethink how they develop Stage our struggles and how to address them in this new framework.
already learned as a people, the teaching of Scalabrini Ortiz, that we should not expect others to do what we are not able to do, that governments only reflect the interests of the majority, if they are organized, are falling even harder , moved their fight to the territory of the State, and demand respect for their rights with tenacity and firmness.
currently live in an open and complex, but that poses a direct dialogue with some of the historical demands of our people. In our view it is important to note at this point that the judging process for the genocidal dictatorship is product of a struggle over thirty years, started by mothers and grandmothers, and supported by a number of social organizations, unions and political, as also pointed out that was crucial to the realization that since 2003, Nestor Kirchner (and Currently, the companion Cristina Fernández), has made this fight a state policy of their governments. It was the government initiated in 2003 that with facts, policies and actions, claimed the fight of our old, betting on a national and popular that we now see reflected in the government of Cristina Fernández partner. And it was Kirchner, the first president who had the political and human gesture remove the picture of the genocidal Videla, in that act that many will never forget.

come from a process that goes escraches convictions. And here we want to be clear: in CHILDREN we are still at a stage of conquest, but not of our organization, but our people. The fact that we sent to life imprisonment for the first five genocidal Rosario, and we're passing the second trial of the oppressors, and to have at least another five to go, has to do with concrete victories over the objectives were plotted genocide.
And these victories do not have to do with just compensation for victims, the missing, their families, or our dear and brave survivors, who are his witnesses to reconstruct the actions and the true face of the machinery of state terrorism, a dimension that no doubt has great significance. Not only have to do with the value becomes immeasurable, not only true of human rights organizations, but also a truth reflected in litigation or prosecution. These victories have to do with the future of our nation and our people.
These victories, specifically in judgments and legal proceedings are also about the profound transformation and consolidation of a democratic state, and the purification of the branches of government responsible for preventing the of civil-military dictatorship, occupy seats as legislators or members of the judiciary. The sentence yesterday to Luis Abelardo Patti, proves, as the trial of former judge Victor Brussa, processing the former judge Luis Vera Candiotti, and the charges to Judge Laura Inés Cosidoy ... and going for more!
Someone said to forgive the crimes committed in the past, is the worst way to encourage not committed again. And so we also understand that this process of trial is to end a strategy to which the real power turned several times during the 20 th century, with the coup against constitutional government and vocation Yrigoyen and Peron popular at 30 and 55, and the fiercest of 1976.
Each of these blows up in their levels of virulence, each of those shots he tried to stop processes (with important and different shades) of progress of social rights, and came to consolidate the interests of the historic ruling classes of our country. Judging
genocide, is to tell the real power, and his murderous labor, gentlemen, in our country the people will not forgive and not rest until their tormentors pay for their guilt. It is changing the rules for the development of grassroots projects. Is giving ground to the theory of two evils. And tell the long list of martyrs of our people and missing comrades, you did not die with his death.
Thank you all for sharing with us these 16 years of struggle. We invite you to go for what we lack.
Photo: Grace Borda

Sunday, April 24, 2011

How To Wank With Tissues

What we are discussing and what we should be debating

The so-called energy debate boils down to discuss what energy source is best. This is as absurd as to discuss what the best means of transport. What is better the train or plane? The boat or the subway? Does the bike or car? Obviously

each mode has its advantages and disadvantages. Will be useful in some circumstances and completely useless in others. If there is a perfect means of transport or who were clearly above the rest in all circumstances ... only would use this means of transport.

Just as happens with energy sources. If there is a source of energy that was clearly above the rest in all the senses, exist only one source of energy.
If there are different sources of energy is because each is able to offer some advantage over others in some specific aspect.

Therefore it is obvious that all energy sources must have some advantages and some disadvantages.

This allows the energy debate can be extended indefinitely without ever reaching a conclusion.
Each participant chooses the power source of their preference. Generally, nuclear or renewable, although there are some unusual calls for coal. Then you just have to engage in looking for arguments to prove advantages of your favorite and disadvantages of the rest ... Just do not listen to arguments to the contrary from rivals in order to prolong the debate until the end of time.

debate this scheme as "productive" is the same as in the debates: PP or PSOE?, "Real Madrid or Barcelona?, Does Esteban or Bell?

But the question we should discuss is no energy source is better, but energy model we want and what is the most appropriate energy policy to achieve it.
The boats have many advantages, they are unbeatable when carrying large loads and even accidents like the Titanic are very striking and memorable is a very safe means of navigation ... but no hole within the transport system of the community of Madrid.
Bicycles are very useful, healthy and green ... but for the export of steel profiles ... are not valid.

We should first determine what are our objectives and priorities. Once we know what we want, then we think which is the most appropriate energy policy to achieve it. No one can act in reverse. This is explained in "Punk Energy Debate" so I will not dwell here.

Keep in mind that energy policy is based not only on choosing the most appropriate energy sources to achieve the objectives. As an example, let the goal is to get a cheap electricity to domestic consumers. What we do energy policy?
determined "which is the lowest cost energy technology? And then what?" The implant to cascoporro? How? And although consiguiéramos

increase this source of energy, there would be a very effective policy since the end consumer prices are not determined by production costs, but by a complex system of auction etc etc. Perhaps the most effective way to reduce prices to consumers would be avoiding the electrical Executed prices including changing the auction system (so to speak.)

Set targets is a much more complex than it seems, to develop a sound energy policy is something really hard for what you need to know in depth the intricate electrical system.

Choose a favorite energy source and find arguments to defend and attack the rest is very simple, fun and affordable for everyone ... no wonder that we are wasting time with this (I included ... of course)

Most Reliable Computers

Easter Draw! Detail

To celebrate Easter I made this little bunny that I feel very happy and spring. I took the model of a Japanese magazine and well .... as I always do I give my personal touch to detail what you think? Do you like? then I will draw between all the girls who put a message in this post, do not think that a big deal eh! is just a small detail, just to thank you tod @ s your attention and feedback to my work, there is no other claim. So prerequisite to the email address if you have no blog to contact you if you are the lucky in the draw. Give a few days later and the draw will do as always coincide with the winning number ONCE of Friday May 6 luck to all! each will have the number that matches the order to put your message if you were the No. 12 for example. this will be your number for the drawing.


Friday, April 22, 2011

How To Fix A Split In A Snowboard

Anniversary CHILDREN: Sunday is anniversary of HIJOS

The court judge, as we celebrate all

After having suspended on Friday, CHILDREN Rosario confirmed that this Sunday April 24th the event will take the anniversary of the birth of your organization. "We celebrate our 16 years of struggle with a tribute to the lost and a recital by Synapse and Return of the coelacanth" they reported. The activity will start from of 17, and will take place in front of the federal courts of Orono 940, "where we are judging Rosario genocidal," a press release from the group.

"During the ceremony, an exhibition gallery, will continue with the campaign" T Ponete Judgement and Punishment, "and install a sculpture in the form of album, with images and artifacts that illustrate life fragments of the missing ", the statement of the organization.

"Also performing the murga Memory, Synapses rock band and close the Return of the coelacanth, which is also serving 20 years of life and decided to celebrate with us, "added the press release.

"For 16 years the birth of our struggle, who came to join the Mothers and Grandmothers, we want to celebrate with everyone who joined us on this difficult path, opposite the place where occurred the first verdict against Rosario repressors "CHILDREN indicated through a press release.

"Originally we wanted to make the anniversary event, now that I spent the Sunday the idea will be that they all come with the mate and family for an afternoon of memory and music," Caro proposed Ibañez, activist Rosario HIJOS.

Birth of the group, founded a May 14, 1995 by children of the disappeared, killed, exiled and political prisoners of the dictatorship, coincided with the first year of the judgment-Amelong Guerrieri trial, which ended with the life sentence to five repressors of Battalion 121 of the army. "From the impunity and escraches, the sentences ongoing genocide, we have so much to celebrate, and to continue fighting", said since KIDS. CHILDREN

pooling further noted that "the day the characters enliven artistic Orestes, Edie Wilson Morales and Emmerson Garmendia.

"We always said we are all children of the same story, so at an early stage in our group Rosario was open not only for missing children but for those who want to fight the country's model let us state terrorism, and also why the celebration of our 16 years we do it in a public space, with all those who wear the shirt and raise the flag of the trial and punishment of genocide, "the statement from the organization.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sony Muteki Htddw7500 For Sale

"To say 'nuclear, no' is the same as saying" Oil, yes, '"

Manuel Lozano Leyva, a professor at the University of Sevilla, says in his book "Nuclear, why not? "
unambiguously. "Nuclear, not" means " oil, yes .
not alone, there are many who believe that reducing our dependence on oil should build more nuclear, or can not do without nuclear being oil prices skyrocketing.

Despite the firmness with which Manuel Lozano Leyva make this assertion is not correct. There is this relationship between nuclear energy and oil.

Nuclear plants generate electricity and if we REE data we see that the amount electricity generated from oil is negligible. In so far this year only 0.36%. These data are from the peninsula, in the Canary Islands and diesel Fuel continues to provide an important part of electricity and that are not nuclear.

is clear that new nuclear installation will not reduce our consumption of oil.
But maybe someone is thinking, that closing existing nuclear power plants would entail an increase in oil consumption. Neither is true. Surely the nuclear generation would be replaced with gas or coal, but never for oil derivatives. There is a compelling reason: the price
The fuel and diesel prices are prohibitive and can never compete with the combined cycle. To give a reference diesel fuel is hovering around the 800 € / t so that only fuel cost is 180 € / MWh. Therefore, a gas power plant would sell electricity to more than 200 € / MWh. In comparison, the wind is receiving € 77.3 / MWh (with bonuses and everything ...)

Therefore none of the things are true. Nor can we reduce our dependence on petroleum-based nuclear or nuclear means closing to increase this dependence.

Arguably, though not increase dependence on oil, increasing dependence on natural gas, which also is a fossil fuel .... so for the case are the same.

is true, is the same .... but not equal. There is a very important difference the price. The price of oil is sky high but natural gas is still affordable.

Why would the joke as soon as we close the nuclear plants? Generate

annual 60TWh are nuclear generating natural gas would increase our gas imports € 2200m. But then we save the € 418M we are spending on uranium. That is, the total closure of nuclear plants would increase our fossil-fuel imports € 1.782M annually.

Or put another way, the effect of the closure of all nuclear power plants on our energy dependence is equal to the price of oil rises $ 3 per barrel. Given that in the last year the price of oil has increased $ 40 per barrel, the effect on imports of nuclear power does not seem so important.

Moreover, the closure of nuclear plants, would enhance the development of renewable energies, so that in the long term, this figure would tend reduced.

Centre for Energy and Sustainability in Spain 2010

What Happens With A Digital Copy Dvd

px for Easter ... T

I finished this detail to decorate the house at Easter cross-stitch embroidery on a linen in a greenish gray clearly, I loved the design and parked my embroidery 1x1 a couple of evenings to stitch this little detail.
I have mounted as a pinkeep and placed on an easel I bought other day I went to IKEA, very cheapie at 0.60 € each, I bought two just in case .... so I came to put pearl embroidery that is beautiful is not it so? I love it !!!!!.

In the back I put a signature fabric of small flowers in tune with embroidery and once assembled around a piquillo pinned to orange color. To round off a personal touch ...... subjects with those little hearts in pearl colored ties.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

How Can I Hide My Screen And Projector

I have already finished the shirt with the dummy that I commented in the previous post, I began on Friday afternoon and just finished at the same time! What do you think? I think it has been beautiful and original "made in Chelsea" is so completely original, I hope my friends like it and if so .... will do it for the trip that we plan to St. Jean de Luz Fair "Quilt in Sud" held there every two years and we will not lose anything of mundooooooo! to me is one of the fairs I've attended that I really liked. I bought a basic white shirt with French manga because in May still cold to the north ... so that's why you have chosen this manga.
This photo shows in detail the model applied. I used a patterned fabric of small flowers in shades of pink and cream on turquoise background, I had this painting in a home and enough to make the shirts of all so that's one of the reasons why I chose it, also ... . of course, to look pretty. In the bottom of the dummy is the inscription " Sewing (Sewing) as significant for us right? Not going scalloped but applied to the plate after DMC embroidery in black letters and cut with pinking shears, to secure the pearl I edged with purple and put a loop at the top of the above are things that are happening to me on the go. .... ....
In the bottom of the skirt etredós I've put a house which was left over from some towels I did and after that lace pink shade that goes a little bit, little, puckered and fuck with sewing the bottom of the inset. In a piquillo neckline tied with a pink embroidered with pearls like fuchsia satin flower I did for the neckline. To finish the set a string of beads around neck. Ah! other details .... I trimmed the neckline of the shirt with embroidery in the same tone I used perl for the neckline of her dress, scapular stitch embroidery is very easy to do, dress the dummy is also applied the same item ... it was an experiment that occurred to me on the spot and I liked you have to innovate! instead of using the scallop I used on the dark side of the dummy changed in that area about scapular. I hope you liked the shirt.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

What Temperature Will Copper Pipes Freeze

dummy "Workshop of the winds" -15

Yesterday we reconvened in our "Workshop on Friday" we were, Gloria, Marijose, Sonia, Julia, Sylvie, Ellen (friend of Julia's visit) and Ruth does not appear in the photos because he could only come for a while, last hour. Anais Ana M ª and could not come for various reasons.
Gloria brought a lot of work to review journals since it already and we wanted them before throwing not throw anything! We look at each and every one is left with the most liked, I I brought only because he was almost all.

Sylvie and
Marijose were giving the green beans and I prepared a jersey for me ..... and show it when you have finished, you may want to relocate all of the San Juan de Luz next May at the fair. .... if all other course like! must be missing something consensual and team members, when they see mine finished to see what was decided ... that time is at hand soon!.
Elena is a Julia's friend who came from Lanzarote, where he lives, to spend a few days to Logrono, where has his daughter and grandchildren. On Friday next week because Santa not so we will meet up within 15 days!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Neck Pain The Gets Worse During The Day

Rosario: the act was suspended, but not the party

"The persistence of bad weather, and depending on the protection of sound equipment and lights that were planned for the development of the business" from the group CHILDREN announced that "the activity planned for today at 18 Boulevard in Orono, where we were going to celebrate 16 years of our organization," until further notice. Anyway, we report that the party organized after 24 pm in the Chamuyera (Corrientes 1380). "

activity, which now has a date to be confirmed, planned to place an iron sculpture as an album and make photo slideshows and a recital that the Return of the coelacanth cerrararía

"For 16 years the birth of our struggle, who came to join the Mothers and Grandmothers, we want to celebrate with everyone who joined us in this hard road, opposite the place where occurred the first verdict against Rosario repressors, "said children through a press release.

The celebration of the birth of the group, founded a May 14, 1995 by children of the disappeared, killed, exiled and political prisoners of the dictatorship, would coincide with the first year of the sentence of the trial-Amelong Guerrieri, culminating with the life sentence to five repressors of Battalion 121 of the army. "From the impunity and escraches, the sentences ongoing genocide, we have so much to celebrate, and to continue fighting", said since KIDS.

"In activity be an exhibition gallery, will continue with the campaign "T Ponete Judgement and Punishment," and install a sculpture in the form of album, with images and objects that illustrate fragments of life of the disappeared ", the statement of the organization .

"Also performing the murga Memory, Synapses rock band and close the Return of the coelacanth, which is also serving 20 years of life and decided to celebrate with us," added the press release. CHILDREN

pooling further noted that "the characters enliven the evening art Orestes, Edie Morales and Emmerson Garmendia Wilson, "and that" after midnight, there will be celebration and toast in the Chamuyera (Corrientes 1380). "

"We always said we are all children of the same story, so at an early stage in our group Rosario was open not only for missing children but for those who want to fight against the model of country we left the state terrorism and also why the celebration of our 16 years we want to do it in a public space, with all those who wear the shirt and raise the flag of the trial and punishment of genocide, "the statement from the organization.

Although not yet confirmed new date in which to perform the activity, explained that what is suspended is not the party that was scheduled for today at 24.

Woman Nipple Piercing

Finally, Patti 16 years cooking

One of the most ominous symbols of repression during the dictatorship, the former mayor of Escobar and former deputy Luis Abelardo Patti, was sentenced to life imprisonment to be met in an ordinary prison. Thus, despite its sad and long gear fame as part of genocide and as champion of the heavy-handed policing to suppress crimes, Patti was the first life sentence for the murder of a member of the Peronist Youth and the kidnapping of a former national deputy in the last military dictatorship, among other crimes against humanity committed in the context of State terrorism.

The two-time mayor of Escobar, a deputy elected prevented from taking his seat at the allegations against him and former Commissioner of the Buenos Aires police, was sentenced in particular for unlawful deprivation of liberty and primary participant in the murder of activist Peronist Youth, Gaston Goncalves, and the kidnapping of former national deputy Diego Muniz Barreto, killed after a mock accident.

Télam As reported, the Federal Court 1 also framed the crimes as "crimes against humanity" and ordered home confinement revoke existing benefits for all convicts serve their sentences in ordinary prisons, a move that provoked thunderous applause in the courtroom Hugo del Carril auditorium in the locality of José León Suárez.

The verdict was read by the President of the Court, Lucila Larrandart, who will also serve as a judge of criminal courts is, will implement the sentence of solving the transfer to prison, but will still have to define whether this will be accomplished immediately or after the penalty becomes final, it will be appealed by the defense before the National Court of Criminal Appeal.

For Patti, remains hospitalized under custody Private clinic Fleni de Escobar, after suffering a stroke, and was presented to the trial almost always on a stretcher while almost all the hearings continued from an ambulance parked at the entrance to the enclosure.

The verdict was announced after a trial which also sentenced to imprisonment of former dictator Reynaldo Bignone, the former general Santiago Omar Riveros, former army intelligence agent Martin Rodriguez, and six years in prison for ex Commissioner Escobar Juan Fernando Meneghini.

Larrandart Judges, Horacio Cassain Segretti and Lucia made public the decision before a packed auditorium where he waved pictures of victims of repression illegal, amid applause forced to stop several times to read against the backdrop of drums and shouts of joy were heard in the street, where protesting leftist groups and human rights.

The final hearing of the trial did not have the presence of Patti on the premises as the only defendant who heard the sentence in person was his former superior at the police station Escobar and sentenced for the first time, Meneghini.
were in the room
Secretary of Human Rights of Argentina, Eduardo Luis Duhalde, a friend of kidnapped and murdered former national deputy Diego Muniz Barreto, the head of the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo Estela de Carlotto, and representatives of Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Founding Line as Laura Bonaparte and Tati Almeida, as well as relatives of victims who act as plaintiffs in the case and is placed on the stage that acted as stand behind their lawyers, among them was Ana Oberlin, activist Children of the Rosary.

Patti was tried since September 2010 and sentenced on Thursday for the kidnapping of activists of the JP in Escobar, including Gaston Goncalves, whose murder was found for primary participant, illegal deprivation of liberty of former deputy Muniz Barreto and his secretary Juan José Fernández and the kidnapping and disappearance of young students from the area, all just materialized the coup of March 24, 1976. For judges

Patti is also convicted of "aggravated torments a victim of political persecution" in reference to Muniz Barreto and two other cases for which he was convicted, William and Luis D'Amico, disappeared.

Except in the case of former Commissioner Meneghini, convictions coincided with orders made by the tax penalty Marcelo Garcia Berro, Javier De Luca and John Murray and prosecutors Goncalvez sons, Kevin and Manuel and the children of Muniz Barreto Juana and Maria Isabel and Antonio D'Amico, all present at the hearing.

also acted as plaintiffs Human Rights Secretariat of the Nation, the Province of Buenos Aires and human rights organizations.
Source: Editorial
Rosario Photo: Page 12

Menopause And Knee Pain

April 2011 "The Art broderie c'et tout a" 4th and 5th part .... Elephant Tilda

Well .... here are my progress as the embroidery 1x1 " The broderie art c'est tout a "finished 4 th and 5 th leaf, and therefore I have finished in the top row! requetebonito look that is, every day I am happier to have chosen this design for embroidery, I'm enjoying every stitch and 1x1 truth that is costing me so much work to do, with the magnifying glass works great! and started the second row .... I completely enganchadaaaaaa!
requetebonita See what has become the legend of the top all complete.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Black Particles In Infant Poop

.... Tilda Baby T

That's how I've been Tilda requetebonita the elephant! is along with the shirt before I showed a gift for a baby of 6 months, I hope you like her daddy because she is obviously not going to tell me ....;-)). It is the small model, which is larger, the new book by Tone Finnanger "Tilda Atélier"

I used the same fabrics for the shirts, the printed fabric flowers in pink dress, the body is the same as the head of the elephant's shirt and hair flower the same as the circle where the elephant is on the shirt. To decorate the same piquillo just not going here with pearl embroidery on the shirt, I felt better so what do you think? . Building did a lot of photos with the intention of making a tutorial when I have time.

Monday, April 11, 2011

How To Use Yaz As Plan B

CHILDREN: The court judged , as we celebrate all

An iron sculpture in the form of album, photo samples of her story, and a concert that will close the Return of the coelacanth, are some of activities that celebrate the group HIJOS Rosario 16 years of life. The celebration will be held on Friday April 15 from 18 against the federal courts of Orono 940, "where after many years of struggle is finally judged to genocidal dictatorship," he explained from rights body human.

"For 16 years the birth of our struggle, who came to join the Mothers and grandmothers, we want to celebrate with everyone who joined us on this difficult path, opposite the place where occurred the first verdict against repressive Rosario "said children through a press release.

The celebration of the birth of the group, founded a May 14, 1995 by children of the disappeared, killed, exiled and political prisoners of the dictatorship, will coincide with the first year of the sentence of the trial-Amelong Guerrieri, culminating sentenced to life imprisonment to five repressive army Battalion 121. "In impunity and escraches, the sentences ongoing genocide, we have so much to celebrate, and to continue fighting ", said since

CHILDREN" The activity will have an exhibition gallery, will continue with the campaign "Ponete T Judgement and Punishment, "and install a sculpture in the form of album, with images and objects that illustrate fragments of life of the disappeared", the statement of the organization.

"Also performing the murga Memory, Synapses rock band and close the Return of the coelacanth, which is also serving 20 years of life and decided to celebrate with us, "added the press release.

The group further noted that "liven up the evening's artistic character Orestes, Edie Wilson Morales and Emmerson Garmendia," and that "after midnight, will feast and toast in the Chamuyera (Corrientes 1380)."

"We always said we are all children of the same story, so at an early stage in our group Rosario was open not only for missing children but for those who want to fight the country's model let us state terrorism and also why the celebration of our 16 years we do it in a public space, with all those who wear the shirt and raise the flag of the trial and punishment of genocide, "the statement

Pokemon Shiny Gold Complete

Those who know and those who have no fucking idea. Debate

One of my favorite blogs is Science and his demons ", take the opportunity to recommend. His articles tend to be pleasant and well documented. So I was very negatively surprised article radioactivity and nuclear power. This paper moves away from the critical line and objective of the blog and is a compendium of the most rancid prejudice about nuclear energies.

I make a short list:
  1. Pro and anti-nuclear dichotomy: only means two extreme positions in relation to a nuclear power. Or is this for or is this against. No conceivable that intermediate position.
  2. The antinuclear are stupid, illegal and ignorant. The only explanation for opposing nuclear power is ignorance. Not support that stance may have
  3. nuclear energy is essential. If we close Garoña have to import nuclear electricity from France (yes, have these some people continue to repeat the wrong topic)
  4. Renewables are not viable because they are manageable. Hospitals need electricity even at night and do not blow in the wind.
  5. Renewables are the future ... but today the technology is not mature enough. While we hope to develop renewable technology must continue to nuclear.
A memorable paragraph:

For it is not a problem easily solved. So I have "on" many anti-nuclear speeches, they believe they have the solution in his possession. People who believe that everything can be solved at a stroke, closing nuclear and installing more renewable. People, and sorry if someone feels offended, have no fucking idea what he's talking . And they dare to look down on those scientists who talk about the pros of nuclear weapons, when those scientists who can help break the deadlock in which society finds itself. Those in the know.


The blog ends enter the web of REE:

also encourage you to enter the site of the Red Electrical English to view statistics and energy generation in Spain. You can access data in real time consumption, as well as information from the English electricity system and the transport system.

Some who do not have no fucking idea, often visited web REE ... even some people make graphics like this that throws by Tiera many of their prejudices.

Where To Put The Paintings In Poptropica


This is a shirt I made for a 6 months to do this I used a white T-shirt basic of which is sold at Zara for a gift ..... you have to do my daughter Cristina.

why the elephant
As the new book "Tilda Atélier" I love it! I think he was extremely nice and funny,

I used a floral pattern in shades of pink elephant's ear on a background of turquoise branded fabric left over from my other work, for head cloth that gave me my friend Reyes to make dolls that I'm doing well .... the elephant in the wrist when you finish the show ..... now I will show the shirt to match his elephant Tilda . I have sewn around a piquillo in pink. To decorate a tie and a button Tilda what you think? I think it is a cucada! I like a lot as has been .... the elephant is also being the most potxolaaaaaa!
I had problems with my blog ... apparently did not leave my entries posted in updates of blogs ..... but is solved!! I have not disappeared! thank goodness ..... I have warned

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Oklahoma Freestyle Singlet

Workshop "Friday" April 8, 2011 Raffle quilt

And this Friday we met again in our workshop, missed Anais, Sonia and Marijose that as the three have children small they faced unforeseen and could not be with us.
Gloria took the books we had asked hemstitches Edisaxe , had bought Ana Maria before and loved it, well worth it because is very well explained in pictures.
see Ana M ª crochet blanket color her, Ruth embroidering a Tilda in redwork, Sylvie giving your green beans, you are teaching Julia, and I sew a shirt for a baby, a gift you have to do my daughter Cristina , I'll show you when it's finished ....
other night and it lasted more between work and Charlet, until next Friday! As you may have to give you notice, I've dressed my blog primaveraaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

How To Pick A American Combination Lock

solidarity .... Gifts

One day I wrote Victoria to me for help and to publish the drawing for the quilt solidarity that would do to help children with cancer here in my blog, This quilt is finished and you can see on his blog the conditions for the sale of such ballots which cost € 5 each, I hope to sell many to help all these children.

Mix Superpump250 Creatine

And these were the three gifts I prepared for Ana Maria on her birthday, a doll Tilda's new book "Tilda Atelier", a pincushion with a kitten like yours and the initial I showed you already .......

pad seen in the photo is Isabelle Vautier design that board and four years ago ..... I put it there because it was very good in the photo Tilda

supported him