full generation were born as genocide, when our old fighting a murderous dictatorship and anti-anti-people, resisted the soldiers were imprisoned, were leaving the country or hiding within our own country, in hiding, there where the grip of state terrorism could not reach. Born when all our people suffered the economic model of Martinez de Hoz, when imports began to destroy the domestic industry, labor and union organization.
were born in terror and surrender to the historical owners of the country (the oligarchy and multinational capital), tried perpetuate their power forever, sweeping trade unions, social activism, political engagement of the youth and draft a homeland for all generations dreamed of sixties and seventies.
were born in clandestine detention centers where they killed and tortured our mothers, in the houses they entered the fear sown by the genocide, in neighborhoods that were becoming poorer as they consolidated the neoliberal economic project initiated by dictators. In a nation designed to serve the interests of a few families and handed over to imperialism. We grew up in a society
tucked inward, in which individualism and every man for himself had been imposed on the solidarity and commitment to collective projects. But also grew up in a country that no longer resist not even the worst "even during times of dictatorship.
grew up with the example of the Madres de Plaza de Mayo, our grandmothers, who gets so many things we were taught that the only struggle you lose is the one abandoned. And we join this struggle, a time when it was decreed that In Justice for the crimes committed by the genocidal should establish for ever, through the Pardons Menem, who came to complete the system of impunity started with the laws of Due Obedience and Punto Final Alfonsin. At a time when the neoliberal model (which was re-elected in the polls), seemed to celebrate a supposed social amnesia, through which they hoped to forget the past and forgive the murderers.
In Easter 1995, a significant number of missing children of political prisoners and exiles from the dictatorship was a meeting in Cordoba hills in the small Cabalango, where they spend the summer in his youth knew Ernesto Che Guevara. Kids aged 17 to define twenties to join the struggle of mothers and grandmothers, to continue to demand the trial and punishment of genocide, to continue seeking appropriate brothers, to demand the dismantling of the repressive apparatus intact that was killing or Teresa Rodríguez Víctor Choque.
But we also wanted militant build our own identity, our generation needs. And we set out to create new tools to fight, fight apolitical advertised from power plants, re-knit social ties destroyed by the terrorism of state, to recover (to paraphrase Rodolfo Walsh), those old battle flags that the thirty thousand missing persons had collected, at the exact point where other fighters who preceded them, they left it.
Unable to legal condemnation of genocide, we plot the objective of creating a symbolic prison repressors. Encourage escraches through the growth of society's condemnation of the dictatorship, we understood that one side was a path that also would enable us, as that struggle to grow in legitimacy, dismantle the system of impunity established. And on the other side was a way to resume the dialogue with our past, with projects invisibililizados of the missing and the memory of a long tradition of struggle of our people who could go back to the days of conquest.
But we also put on those early years of our organization, much of our energy to meet the hardest hit by the genocidal project. Because after the first time SONS Rosario assumed the conviction that "we are all children of the same story", and therefore our space was always intended as a field of generational membership, open to all those who would reverse the process established by the dictatorship.
From this conviction and we decided to form along with fellow activists in the neighborhoods hardest hit by neoliberalism. So we can say we learned to fight and organize are areas such as vagrancy, Ludueña neighborhood, which brought us our beloved friend Pocho Lepratti; or by co-The Rigoberta, the neighborhood's Fourth, just to mention two important referrals our way.
entered in the nineties, also learned to come together in the street, or cross-cutting areas, with a wide and diverse range of organizations, from the most varied political and ideological identities, with which we found clear face this stage of resistance to neoliberalism , trying to accomplish the task of genocide, deepening dependence through the perverse mechanism of interference in domestic affairs, that involved the convertibility and the continued borrowing from the IMF and World Bank. That teaching
building in diversity is what allows us even today, despite the deep differences that cross the field of membership, continue to organize every 24 March, a unit of the few marches taking place in the country to commemorate the genocide.
That same diversity is found once again taken to the streets in December 2001 to say enough of the politics of neoliberalism. But since 2003
here began a new process, which is clearly a fundamental origin if born of those tragic days.
But we understand we live in a new process, not only resistance but also of progress, does not mean you have been defeated to the neoliberal project planned by the genocide and continued in a democracy. Only we had to rethink how they develop Stage our struggles and how to address them in this new framework.
already learned as a people, the teaching of Scalabrini Ortiz, that we should not expect others to do what we are not able to do, that governments only reflect the interests of the majority, if they are organized, are falling even harder , moved their fight to the territory of the State, and demand respect for their rights with tenacity and firmness.
currently live in an open and complex, but that poses a direct dialogue with some of the historical demands of our people. In our view it is important to note at this point that the judging process for the genocidal dictatorship is product of a struggle over thirty years, started by mothers and grandmothers, and supported by a number of social organizations, unions and political, as also pointed out that was crucial to the realization that since 2003, Nestor Kirchner (and Currently, the companion Cristina Fernández), has made this fight a state policy of their governments. It was the government initiated in 2003 that with facts, policies and actions, claimed the fight of our old, betting on a national and popular that we now see reflected in the government of Cristina Fernández partner. And it was Kirchner, the first president who had the political and human gesture remove the picture of the genocidal Videla, in that act that many will never forget.
come from a process that goes escraches convictions. And here we want to be clear: in CHILDREN we are still at a stage of conquest, but not of our organization, but our people. The fact that we sent to life imprisonment for the first five genocidal Rosario, and we're passing the second trial of the oppressors, and to have at least another five to go, has to do with concrete victories over the objectives were plotted genocide.
And these victories do not have to do with just compensation for victims, the missing, their families, or our dear and brave survivors, who are his witnesses to reconstruct the actions and the true face of the machinery of state terrorism, a dimension that no doubt has great significance. Not only have to do with the value becomes immeasurable, not only true of human rights organizations, but also a truth reflected in litigation or prosecution. These victories have to do with the future of our nation and our people.
These victories, specifically in judgments and legal proceedings are also about the profound transformation and consolidation of a democratic state, and the purification of the branches of government responsible for preventing the of civil-military dictatorship, occupy seats as legislators or members of the judiciary. The sentence yesterday to Luis Abelardo Patti, proves, as the trial of former judge Victor Brussa, processing the former judge Luis Vera Candiotti, and the charges to Judge Laura Inés Cosidoy ... and going for more!
Someone said to forgive the crimes committed in the past, is the worst way to encourage not committed again. And so we also understand that this process of trial is to end a strategy to which the real power turned several times during the 20 th century, with the coup against constitutional government and vocation Yrigoyen and Peron popular at 30 and 55, and the fiercest of 1976.
Each of these blows up in their levels of virulence, each of those shots he tried to stop processes (with important and different shades) of progress of social rights, and came to consolidate the interests of the historic ruling classes of our country. Judging
genocide, is to tell the real power, and his murderous labor, gentlemen, in our country the people will not forgive and not rest until their tormentors pay for their guilt. It is changing the rules for the development of grassroots projects. Is giving ground to the theory of two evils. And tell the long list of martyrs of our people and missing comrades, you did not die with his death.
Thank you all for sharing with us these 16 years of struggle. We invite you to go for what we lack.
Photo: Grace Borda
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