One of my favorite blogs is Science and his demons ", take the opportunity to recommend. His articles tend to be pleasant and well documented. So I was very negatively surprised article radioactivity and nuclear power. This paper moves away from the critical line and objective of the blog and is a compendium of the most rancid prejudice about nuclear energies.
I make a short list:
- Pro and anti-nuclear dichotomy: only means two extreme positions in relation to a nuclear power. Or is this for or is this against. No conceivable that intermediate position.
- The antinuclear are stupid, illegal and ignorant. The only explanation for opposing nuclear power is ignorance. Not support that stance may have
- nuclear energy is essential. If we close GaroƱa have to import nuclear electricity from France (yes, have these some people continue to repeat the wrong topic)
- Renewables are not viable because they are manageable. Hospitals need electricity even at night and do not blow in the wind.
- Renewables are the future ... but today the technology is not mature enough. While we hope to develop renewable technology must continue to nuclear.
For it is not a problem easily solved. So I have "on" many anti-nuclear speeches, they believe they have the solution in his possession. People who believe that everything can be solved at a stroke, closing nuclear and installing more renewable. People, and sorry if someone feels offended, have no fucking idea what he's talking . And they dare to look down on those scientists who talk about the pros of nuclear weapons, when those scientists who can help break the deadlock in which society finds itself. Those in the know.
The blog ends enter the web of REE:also encourage you to enter the site of the Red Electrical English to view statistics and energy generation in Spain. You can access data in real time consumption, as well as information from the English electricity system and the transport system.
Some who do not have no fucking idea, often visited web REE ... even some people make graphics like this that throws by Tiera many of their prejudices.
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