Judgement and Punishment March Rosario in Rosario to 35 years after the coup of 1976 genocide trial against Patti
human rights organizations called for the traditional social mobilization to mark the anniversary of the coup. Led by Mother, Family, and CHILDREN APDH announced a press conference for next Tuesday.
gathered to organize the march of March 24, within the space Judgement and Punishment, representative of historical human rights organizations, witnesses and complainants in the cases against state terrorism, were accompanied by different student groups and cultural, plus a wide range of unions and social organizations ranging from groups like the Movement of kirchnerismo Evita, to the Revolutionary Communist Party that leads the Classist and Combative.
Writing Organizers Rosario explained to the concentration of this year will again be held on 24 at the Plaza San Martín (Córdoba and Moreno) at 17, and that the march will pass again through the doors of federal court where the trial is being developed Díaz Bessone (see Journal of Judgement), which are being tried for crimes committed in the clandestine detention center worked in the information service of the police in Rosario.
completed mobilization at the Monument to the Flag where you will read a text agreed by all organizations and a documentary tribute to the Mothers of May Plaza 25 Rosario.
"Like last year, we agreed a march and act as broad as possible, something that allows us to remain one of the few cities the country which makes a single movement to honor the missing, "said Ingrid Rosario Schegtel HIJOS.
"The idea was to make it possible to express this beautiful sea of \u200b\u200bhumanity, thousands of activists and independent people of all spaces, they feel as their own flag of the trial and punishment of genocide," the militant.
From space Rosario Judgement and Punishment, announced that next Tuesday at 10, representatives of all human rights organizations and social organizations held a press conference in La Toma (Tucumán 1349) to provide details of the event.
Source: Editorial Rosario
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