A 35-year-civilian coup military, Rosario has a week full of activities memory. On Thursday 24 at 17 is the traditional march to the monument, but there are a myriad of proposals to remember the missing. On Wednesday, 23 is a escrache against former education minister Videla, Ricardo Bruera. The grouping children will be all weekend long painting t-shirts in the Island of Inventions, under the slogan "I wear the shirt of Judgement and Punishment." March
Through a press release, Judgement and Punishment Space recalled that the traditional mass march on March 24 that takes place every year, will start this Thursday 24 at 17 from Piazza San Martin Monument to the Flag, after passing through the street courts of Orono, where he is judging the gang of Feced. At the close of the event will screen a documentary tribute to the Mothers of Plaza 25 May. From the 15, kids will be in Plaza San Martín remaras painted with the slogan "Judgement and Punishment."
From the group, said that along with members of the Union of Secondary Students (UES) will participate in a escrache Pedro Ricardo Bruera, who was the first Minister of Education of the dictatorship of Jorge Videla, head of operational clarity through which burned censored and banned books and student centers. The escrache be held Wednesday, March 23 and will depart at 18 Plaza Montenegro (San Martín and San Luis).
I put the camisetita
CHILDREN also reported that "as of Friday 25 and throughout the weekend from the 16, members of the group will be on the Island of Inventions by the campaign camisetita I put the trial and punishment" to through which paint shirts for parents and adults with this legend, and shared stories that were banned during the dictatorship. "The idea is to bring a material for parents to share with their children literature solidadridad strengthen values, justice, memory and participation," said Ingrid Schegtel, teacher and member of HIJOS.
in Villa Gobernador Galvez
The quartermaster Villa Gobernador Gálvez is organizing a day of memory for this Friday, March 25, in the municipal amphitheater of the square of the Mother. From the 16, there will be numerous cultural activities to commemorate the 35 anniversary of the coup, there will be panels installed by various human rights organizations and will culminate with a music festival.
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